Prayer Team

Prayer is an integral part of our relationship with Christ and our Christian walk.  Many people feel a call to pray for others. On the Prayer Team, you may be asked to pray for:

  • Prayer Book requests in private

  • Prayer Request email chain

  • Baby Dedications with families

  • Altar Calls in services

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” - 1 Timothy 2:1

The Fellowship Church Prayer Team is a large group of people that pray for others as an extension of the Fellowship Church leadership and staff. This team is full of people who have lived through trials, struggles, and have experienced God’s help and healing in their own life. 

Do you have an intimate understanding of the needs of someone who is hurting? Do you have a special sensitivity for people as you pray for their requests and needs?  If so, then this might be the perfect place for you to serve! 

Members of this serving team need to hold themselves to a high standard of confidentiality.